
Legal notice (identification of provider) from Telemedia Law (TMG), Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting and Telemedia (RStV) and information as per German Regulation Governing the Information Duties of Service Providers (DL-InfoV) based on EU Services Directive (Directive 2006/123/EC Official Journal of the EU, 2006, L376/36)

monta Klebebandwerk GmbH, represented by managing directors Lars Böhrnsen and Steffen Lauber, is the provider and thus responsible for the commercial and business content of the website within the meaning of Section 5 of the Telemedia Act as the core law of the Electronic Commerce Standardisation Act (ElGVG) and the Act for the Regulation of the Basic Conditions for Information and Communication Services (IuKDG).

Information in accordance with Section 2 (1) of the German Regulation Governing the Information Duties of Service Providers (DL-InfoV)

This website contains information provided by

monta Klebebandwerk GmbH
Gottesackerstraße 17
D-87509 Immenstadt/GERMANY


Telephone: +49 8323 915-0
Fax: +49 8323 915-198

Registered office of monta Klebebandwerk GmbH: D-87509 Immenstadt
Kempten District Court, HRB 12469
Legal form: Limited liability company (GmbH)
Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
Kempten Tax Office
VAT number: DE296199242

Managing directors authorised to represent company: Lars Böhrnsen, Steffen Lauber

Competent chamber
Schwaben Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Stettenstraße 1+3, D-86150 Augsburg

External data protection officer as per Article 37 GDPR in conj. with Section 38 (1) Federal Data Protection Act (new BDSG):
Sven Lenz
German Data Protection Chamber
Kempten Office, 
Email address of data protection officer: 

Kontakt Datenschutzbeauftragter via E-Mail:   

Technical and design support of this website:
KODIAK Markenkommunikation GmbH
Im Schleifrad 8
D-88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu
Telefon: +49 7561 91839-0

Description of services by monta Klebebandwerk GmbH:
Manufacturing and sale of premium adhesive tapes made of natural rubber with different materials

monta Klebebandwerk GmbH can modify this website in part or in full, or close it down at any time without prior notice, at its own discretion and without any liability. By linking other third-party websites ("hyperlinks") monta Klebebandwerk GmbH espouses neither the websites nor their content. Furthermore, monta Klebebandwerk GmbH is not responsible for the availability of such websites or their content. 

© Copyright
All rights reserved. Texts, photographs and images as well as their arrangement on the website are protected by copyright and other protection laws. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes.

Note: General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
To make the website easier to read, no distinction is made between the genders. The terms used automatically apply equally to both males and females.  

This legal information was prepared by:
German Data Protection Office Munich – 

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